We encourage everyone to consider arranging funeral plans ahead of time. This can ease the end-of-life process for families when the time comes.

Pre-Arranging a Funeral

When pre-arranging a service, our staff will guide you through different aspects of a funeral.

  • How you'd like your legacy remembered and celebrated.
  • How to include groups, loved ones, and individuals you would like to participate in your celebration.
  • How to document your final wishes and prepare funds to cover your final expenses.

We will help you personalize the service or celebration of life. We will also tell you the total cost for the services you select and we don't have any surprise hidden costs.

Pre-Arranging a Cremation

There are many reasons people choose cremation as an alternative to a traditional burial.

A cremation casket is made of combustible materials and is cremated with the individual. A rental casket houses a removable cremation container that is simply transferred from the rental casket into the crematory with the individual.

Whether it is a traditional open-casket funeral before a cremation, or a direct cremation with burial or scattering, a planned funeral service helps family and friends process grief, celebrate the deceased’s life, and say final goodbyes.

Selecting a final resting place after cremation varies. This may include placing the urn of ashes in a mausoleum or columbarium, burying it in a cemetery plot, keeping it as a cherished possession, or scattering it in a designated place.

Paying Ahead of Time

Since funeral services must always be paid in full, many people wonder how they should pay for a funeral in advance.

Pre-paid funeral insurance is a whole-life insurance policy, sometimes called a “permanent” or “traditional” life insurance. The insurance covers the exact amount of the services you select. Unless items are added or the services are upgraded later, your family will not have to spend additional funds at the time of service.

The insurance is transferable to any funeral home. If you pre-plan with one funeral home, you can transfer your plans to another funeral home later if needed.

The staff at Bradbury Memorial Center encourages individuals to consult with their funeral home of choice before prepaying cremation organizations. Your local funeral home might be able to save you money and offer you additional choices than the state or national organizations.

Bradbury Memorial Center uses National Guardian Life to secure and guarantee your prepaid funeral funds.

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