Our Family Viewing Room is more than what it seems …
Bradbury Memorial Center features a Family Viewing Room that is suitable for those final moments to be shared with a deceased loved one, for family members who wish for an observation cremation ceremony, or simply for a family identification space.
“It’s a living room space that accommodates a minimal amount of people,” said Naomi Bradbury-Marchand, funeral coordinator, licensed cremationist, and co-owner of Bradbury Memorial Center. “It is for the families to use to see that person one more time. Clergy, priests, or bishops can utilize that room for a final blessing or a commitment prior to cremation. Or it is a Cremation Observation room.”
What is a Cremation Observation?
At Bradbury Memorial Center, our Cremation Observation room provides a valuable opportunity for the family to express themselves one more time. It allows the families to see firsthand that their loved one has been prepared for cremation alongside the clothing or items per their exact specifications.
“It is a way to show that we have fulfilled those final wishes, and the families are able to see that their loved one is being respected and cared for with the utmost dignity and respect,” Naomi Bradbury-Marchand said.
The room itself is outfitted with a large window with a view of our Crematory. For varied reasons, there are times when family members request to observe as their loved one is placed into the Crematory prior to processing. Furthermore, it provides the family a last chance to honor that life in a brief and informal service.
What is Family Identification?
It is simply what it is called, and it is literally what it means. For us, however, the measure stretches well beyond those words and that sentence.
At Bradbury Memorial Center, Family Identification means a time and space allowed for a loved one who maybe did not arrive in time for a death. It is a private and quiet place for final reverence and last respects. It is an opportunity for ‘one more time’ when it comes to saying goodbye.
In the end, our Family Viewing Room could be about those all-important last rites, a committal at a cremation, a final blessing; or it could be about a place for very private and personal grief rituals, or it even could be about spirit offerings. It is unique to each family or individual and largely depends on varied religions, cultures, and beliefs.
We are all-inclusive and open to any ideas about embracing all religions, faiths, and beliefs when it comes to honoring a deceased loved one. In short, we welcome all walks of life. We are fully dedicated to meet the needs of the families we are so privileged to serve, and we hope to do so in whichever manner suits your individual beliefs.